Effective smoke control solutions for these Cape Town car dealerships

SE Controls smoke ventilation system installed at Jeep dealership in Cape Town SE Controls smoke ventilation products have been used at two new prestige, sports and SUV car dealerships in Tokai, Cape Town. An extensive range of smoke control products from SE Controls Africa is being used as part of the dedicated smoke ventilation systems at two new prestige, sports and SUV car dealerships in Tokai, Cape Town. Jaguar Land Rover Constantiaberg, which is part of SMG network and William Simpson’s new Jeep, Fiat and Alfa Romeo dealership, are both major motor retail groups in South Africa and their new two-storey premises were designed by architects Reynolds & Associates together with Smuts and Boyes Architects to provide state of the art showrooms and service facilities. As fire safety is a vital part of the design, specialist consultants and fire engineers, Sparq Consulting, was appointed to provide all consulting services on HVAC and fire engineering to both dealership projects to ensure the systems met the relevant construction and safety requirements. SE Controls Africa had worked successfully with Sparq Consulting on a number of other similar projects and was specified by Sparq to provide the range of actuators and control solutions for the smoke control systems used at JLR Constantiaberg and William Simpson. Although, the smoke control system operating principles are the same for both dealerships, each required tailored solutions due to the individual building design and layout in relation to access doors, escape routes and automatic opening vents (AOV). At JLR Constantiaberg, the system uses 30 SECO Ni 24 40 twin chain actuators and 9 SECO Ni 24 40 single chain actuators, all with 600mm stroke length to open the high-level automatic window vents. Two SE Controls automatic door openers are also installed on a double door, which is used to provide inlet air in the event of a fire. In normal operation, the doors use mag-lock to provide security when the dealership is closed, but these are de-activated using key switches during business hours and re-activated at night. When the smoke vent system is triggered, they are released allowing them to open automatically. Six SHEVTEC control panels and OSLink cards control the operation of the AOVs and doors, while a manual control point is also installed as an over-ride for use by fire service personnel. At William Simpson, the system uses 20 SECO Ni 24 40 twin and 3 SECO Ni 24 40 single chain actuators together with six automatic double door openers and mag-locks, which are installed on the building’s three double access doors. Dyllan Seller, General Manager with SE Controls Africa, explained: “The two installations are perfect examples of how effective smoke control solutions can be adapted and tailored to the specific needs of individual buildings to ensure that the prime objective of protecting life can be achieved. He added: “Life safety solutions, such as those provided by SE Controls Africa, are an essential part of building design, not just in residential developments, but also in commercial, retail, hotel and leisure premises too. We are delighted to have been involved in this project and to work with such high-quality design, consulting and construction teams.” Further information on SE Controls’ products, solutions and projects can be obtained by calling +27 31 466 1857.


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