Live sustainably and lessen your environmental impact

Nedbank's series of popular sustainability guides gives you practical tips for your home and business to lessen your impact on the environment Johannesburg, South Africa (11 July 2017) – Has the drought or unreliable, expensive electricity made you consider how you can save water, conserve energy and run a more sustainable home or business? In recent months many South Africans have been impacted by severe water restrictions – and this on the heels of the load shedding that was experienced across the country. Many want to lessen their impact on very scarce natural resources, but just don't know how. The Nedbank sustainability guides – which can be downloaded below next to each category – offer households and business owners useful knowledge and practical tips about living and working in ways that lessen their impact on our country's scarce resources and help to preserve its natural heritage for the benefit of current and future generations. The Nedbank Smart Living Guide informs families on ways in which they can implement sustainable practices in all areas of their lives and households, helping them to live smarter and save money. Since it was launched at the end of 2013, the Nedbank Smart Living Guide on average has been accessed online more than 500 times a month, with 1 500 copies printed. Brigitte Burnett, Head of Sustainability for the Nedbank Group says this illustrates the growing numbers of South Africans who want to act more sustainably and are taking proactive steps in their homes and businesses to do so. The Nedbank Biodiversity Guide developed with Pam Golding and the Endangered Wildlife Trust, builds on the information contained in the Smart Living Guide by delivering practical information on ways in which South Africans can encourage and preserve vital natural biodiversity in their gardens – whether a large estate or small balcony-sized green space. Burnett says, 'As South Africans we must address the environmental challenges our planet faces together. The guides provide easy-to-follow tips and strategies designed to make sustainable living and working a reality for people from all walks of life and companies of every size.' By following the guidelines in the Nedbank Carbon Footprint Guide, business owners can do something to limit their impact. Developed in partnership with the Sustainability Institute and the University of Stellenbosch, the guide focuses on the effective measurement, monitoring, reporting and verification of any organisation's carbon footprint.


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